best cardio workout for weight loss

The Guide to Best Cardio Workout for Weight Loss in 2024


You’ve decided to try cardio workouts, and you’re not the only one. Many fitness fans who want to lose weight and improve their health put working out high on their priorities. But there are a lot of different kinds of exercise out there. How do you choose the best one for losing weight quickly?

Cardio, also known as cardiovascular exercise, is any action that strengthens your heart and lungs and speeds up your heart rate. Cardio is one of the best ways to lose weight because it burns calories and speeds up the metabolism. However, not every exercise workout is the same; not all will help you lose weight similarly.

You will learn everything you need to know in this detailed guide to making the best cardio workout for weight loss. It covers all kinds of cardio, essential things to consider before you start, and even ways to improve your practice. Let’s go ahead and get started.

Benefits of Cardio for Weight Lossbest cardio workout for weight loss

Learn why exercise is an essential part of any plan to lose weight.

Increased Calorie Burning

When you do cardio exercises regularly, they raise your heart rate and burn many calories. Besides that, they increase your resting metabolism rate, which means you keep burning calories at a higher rate even after your workout.

Improved Cardiovascular Health

Doing cardio workouts can make your heart and circulatory system more robust. With more practice, a bigger heart can pump more blood with less effort. Over time, this can significantly lower the risk of health problems, whether at rest or working out.

Enhanced Metabolism

Cardio burns calories and has also been linked to higher amounts of hormones that help the metabolism. Regular cardio workouts can help control your hunger, maintain muscle strength, and help you lose fat.

Factors to Consider Before Starting

When you plan your exercise workout, you should give it some thought. The best exercise depends on your current fitness level, goals, health, and available time.

Fitness Level and Goals

Starting with straightforward activities is best if this is your first time working out. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is one type of intense exercise that you might want to try if you’re already busy and want to lose even more weight.

Health Conditions and Limitations

Before starting a cardio routine, consider any health problems or physical limitations you may have. Some high-impact workouts might not be suitable for people with joint problems. On the other hand, swimming can be beneficial for people who are overweight or have chronic pain.

Time Availability

What kind of workout and how long you can do depends on your plan. Short bursts of HIIT can be helpful, but longer cycling, swimming, or running rounds might be better if you have the time.

Types of Cardio Workouts

There are many types of cardio to choose from, and each has its weight-loss benefits and difficulties. Come with me as I go over some of the most popular choices.

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

In HIIT, you do short, intense bursts of exercise followed by short rest times. Many people know that it can help you burn fat and calories quickly and dramatically affects how many calories you burn after working out.

Running and Jogging

Running and jogging are easy exercises that you can do almost anywhere. They have a lot of force, which burns many calories, and they are easy to change based on your skill level and goals.


Cycling is a great cardio activity for new and experienced players because it burns many calories without putting too much stress on the joints. On a fixed bike, you can do it outside or inside.

Swimmingbest cardio workout for weight loss

Swimming is a great way to work out your whole body without hurting your joints. Individuals who are overweight or have hip pain should try it. Because of the resistance of the water, it can burn a lot of calories.

Jumping Rope

Using a jump rope as part of your workout can significantly increase your heart rate and burn calories. It’s a great piece of equipment for working out at home because it’s cheap and easy to move around.


You can get your exercise in while having fun by dancing. It’s also good for your whole body. Dancing is a great way to stay active and get cardio while having fun with others, whether in a Zumba class or around your living room.

Cardio at Home: No Equipment, No Problem

Doing cardio exercises at home is possible, and you don’t need expensive gym tools to do them well. Many exercises can be done without equipment, making cardio at home easy and approachable.

Bodyweight Exercises

Because you use your body weight as resistance, bodyweight routines are great for cardio. Jumping jacks, burpees, mountain climbers, and high knee runs are all exercises that can quickly raise your heart rate. This helps you burn calories and keep your heart healthy.

Stair Climbingbest cardio workout for weight loss

If you live in an apartment or house with more than one floor, climbing stairs is a great choice. A high-intensity workout that can burn more calories than a quick walk or jog is repeatedly going up and down stairs.

Dance Workouts

As already said, dancing is fun and a great exercise. There are a lot of free dance workout videos online that are suitable for people with different levels of skill and musical tastes.

Circuit Training

Circuit training is when you do a bunch of workouts quickly, one after the other, with only a short break between each one. This keeps your heart rate up during the whole workout, which helps you burn more calories and improves your overall health.

Remember that the most essential thing for home exercise is to keep moving and keep your heart rate high. The possibilities for a full cardio workout in your living room are endless if you are creative and driven.

Designing an Effective Cardio Workout Plan

To see results and stay inspired, you need to make a workout plan that fits your goals and way of life.

Set Your Goals and Track Your Progress

Make it clear what you want to accomplish with your cardio workout—whether it’s to lose a certain amount of weight, get stronger, or change your body composition—and regularly record your workouts and progress.

Choose the Right Intensity and Duration

Plan your workouts to be at the right intensity for your fitness level and goals. For instance, people who are just starting might start with 30-minute walks at a gentle pace, while people who are already pretty fit might do 45 minutes of HIIT three times a week.

Incorporate Variety and Progression

To keep things exciting and avoid hitting a plateau, change up your workouts by doing different kinds of cardio or increasing or decreasing the volume or length of your workouts. You can also make it more complex over time to keep your body guessing as it gets used to it.

Cardio for All Ages: From Teens to Seniors

People of all ages, from youth to older adults, can benefit from cardio exercises.


Heart-healthy hobbies like running, swimming, or team sports can be fun ways for teens to stay active. These activities not only help you control your weight, but they also help you learn how to get along with others, work as a team, and live a healthy life.


You may only have a little time to exercise as an adult because of work and family. But short and effective workouts, like High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), can fit into a busy schedule. You can also maintain your cardio fitness by running, riding, or attending gym classes.


Seniors should choose low-impact cardio workouts that protect joints while working out. Excellent options include walking, swimming, and cycling. Senior group courses also offer a supportive fitness environment. Choose aerobic activities you enjoy regardless of age to keep motivated and consistent with your fitness routine.

Adapting Cardio for Different Lifestylesbest cardio workout for weight loss

Cardio workouts are great because they can be changed to fit different lives. There are ways to fit cardio into your life, no matter what you must do or how busy you are.

Busy Professionals

Adding cardio can seem impossible for busy professionals. HIIT and brief burst exercises during breaks can raise your heart rate quickly. Try cycling or running to commute.

Stay-at-Home Parents

Parents who stay at home can turn everyday jobs into ways to get more exercise. Today, you can burn calories by dancing while you clean, going for a fast walk with a stroller, or setting up a soccer game for the whole family. Fitness routines like aerobics or skipping rope can be done at home while kids sleep or study.

Frequent Travelers

Portable exercise gear, like resistance bands or a jump rope, can be taken with people who move a lot for quick cardio sessions. You can stay active while travelling by using the gyms or pools at your hotel or walking or riding a bike around new towns.


Students can use campus facilities to do good things for their hearts. You can get a great heart workout by joining a sports club, taking dance classes, or walking or biking around campus. Remember that the goal is to make exercise a regular part of your life, no matter what that looks like.

Tips for Success

If you want to lose weight, here are some essential things about cardio workouts.

Stay Motivated and Consistent

Find a workout you enjoy and can keep up for a long time. This will help you keep going, which is very important if you want to see results.

Warm-Up and Cool-Down

A good warm-up prepares your body for the work it’s about to do and lowers your risk of getting hurt. A cool-down helps your body heal. Could you be sure to complete these critical steps?

Listen to Your Body and Adjust as Needed

Pay close attention to how your body feels. Take a break if you’re tired. Change the workout or talk to a fitness professional if something feels wrong.

Don’t Neglect Strength Training and Flexibility

Cardio is excellent for burning calories, but you need strength training to build muscle. Flexibility exercises can help you move around better and avoid getting hurt.

Nutrition is Key

Remember that working out is only one way to lose weight. A varied, healthy diet is just as important, if not more so. Please ensure you eat less than you burn, which will help the scale move correctly.

Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is essential for your health and energy levels. When you work out, during, and after, drink water.

In Summary

Cardio for weight loss isn’t just about losing weight; it’s also about improving your health and well-being. You can make a workout plan that fits your wants and goals by choosing from a wide range of cardio exercises and planning it carefully.

Starting your exercise workout should be done at the right level. You should also make smart choices about your activities and ensure your workout routine is well-balanced. Don’t give up, pay attention to your body, and enjoy every step you take to become healthy and fitter. The best cardio workout for weight loss is the one you’ll enjoy every day, no matter how long you’ve been working out or how new you are to it.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. Is cardio the best way to lose weight?

Cardio is an excellent way to lose weight and burn calories, but keeping things balanced is essential. You will get the best results with cardio, muscle training, and eating well.

Q2. Can I do cardio exercises every day?

Yes, you can do cardio workouts every day that are easy to moderately hard. On the other hand, high-intensity cardio should be done every other day so your body has time to heal.

Q3. What is the best time to do cardio for weight loss?

You can choose the best time for cardio based on your plan and how much energy you have. Some people like to work out in the morning to get their metabolism going, while others may do better in the evening.

Q4. Can I lose weight with cardio alone?

A balanced meal is vital for weight loss, even though cardio can help by burning calories. To lose weight, you need to eat fewer calories than you burn. This means that you will have to burn more calories than you consume.

Q5. How long should I do cardio each day?

The American Heart Association says you should do 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio or 75 minutes of high-intensity exercise weekly. How you split up this week will depend on your plan and personal tastes.

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