what is best for weight loss cardio or weight training

What is Best for Weight Loss Cardio or Weight Training

Cardio vs. Weight Training: What Is Best for Weight Loss?

What is best for weight loss, cardio or weight training? This is a question that fitness fans ask themselves a lot when they want to lose weight. There are a lot of different views on this topic. Some fitness experts say cardio is better for heart health, while others say lifting weights is better for burning fat. The point of this piece is to go into more detail about this subject and show how cardio and weight training can help you lose weight.

Understanding Weight Losswhat is best for weight loss cardio or weight training

Caloric Deficit:

Creating a caloric shortage is the main idea behind losing weight. This means that you burn more calories each day than you eat. This goal can be reached with both exercise and weight training.

Metabolism and Weight Loss:

A big part of losing weight is speeding up your metabolism. It’s how your body turns the food and drinks you eat and drink into energy. You can burn more calories even when you do nothing if you work out regularly.

Fat vs Muscle Mass:

It’s important to remember that losing weight doesn’t always mean losing fat. As a result, you might lose muscle bulk. This is where lifting weights comes in. While you lose weight, it helps you keep or even gain muscle strength.

Sustainable Weight Loss:

Changing your lifestyle is needed to lose weight in a way that lasts. This includes eating well, working out regularly, getting enough sleep, and learning to deal with stress.

Individual Differences:

Changes in food and exercise have different effects on different people. The rate at which you lose weight can be affected by age, gender, genes, and how you live your life. Finding a weight loss plan that works for you is essential because everyone is different.

Cardio for Weight Losswhat is best for weight loss cardio or weight training

Heart-rate-raising routines, often called “cardio,” are any workout. Whether you do brisk walks or high-intensity interval training (HIIT), the point of cardio is to make your heart and lungs work better and burn calories at the same time.

Benefits of Cardio Exercises

Calorie Burning:

A lot of people know that cardio workouts burn a lot of calories. The exact number can change based on the person’s weight, exercise level, and how hard they work out.

Heart Health:

Heart health is generally better when you do cardio exercises regularly. They strengthen the heart, lower the risk of heart disease, and lower blood pressure.

Mental Health Benefits:

Cardio workouts can also be good for your mental health because they release endorphins, which make you feel better and lower your worry and anxiety.

Improved Lung Capacity:

Over time, cardio exercises like running, swimming, or riding can make your lungs bigger, which can help you have more stamina and endurance.

Accessible and Versatile:

Cardio exercises are accessible for many people because they don’t need special tools and can be done anywhere. They can also be changed to fit the exercise level of each person.

Types of Cardio Exercises


This is one of the easiest and most basic ways to do exercises. This activity is simple to add to daily life and requires no special tools.


Jogging and running are both high-intensity cardio workouts that can help you lose a lot of weight. You can do them outside or on a computer.


Anyone can do cycling, whether outside or on a stationary bike. It’s a great, low-impact exercise workout for everyone.


Swimming is an excellent way to work out your whole body because it uses all your major muscle groups. It’s also a low-impact workout, which is good for your joints.

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT):

For this, you do short bursts of strenuous exercise followed by short breaks. Many people know that HIIT workouts are great for quickly burning many calories.

Aerobic Classes/Zumba:what is best for weight loss cardio or weight training

These fun, high-energy workouts have you moving and listening to music. They’re great for burning calories and keeping your heart healthy.


This exercise works out your whole body and can help you get in better shape overall. You can do it outside in a boat or on a rowing machine.

Jumping Rope:

Your heart rate will increase, and calories will be burned quickly when you jump rope. It’s also great for getting faster and more coordinated.

Recommended Duration and Intensity

The American Heart Association advises 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of strenuous aerobic activity each week for optimal health. Your heart rate determines workout intensity: 50-70% of your maximal heart rate for moderate intensity and 70-85% for solid intensity. Each workout should include a warm-up and cool-down to minimize injury. Regularity is crucial in gaining the benefits of cardio activities for weight loss; therefore, strive to incorporate cardio workouts into your daily routine.

Weight Training for Weight Losswhat is best for weight loss cardio or weight training

Contrary to popular belief, weight training or resistance exercise helps people lose weight. Lifting weights burns calories during the workout and affects your metabolism since muscle tissue uses more energy than fat.

Benefits of Weight Training

Muscle Growth:

Weight training builds muscle, which boosts metabolism. You burn more calories at rest with increased muscle.

Improved Bone Health:

Resistance training has bone health benefits. Increased bone density helps prevent osteoporosis and other bone disorders as we age.

Better Body Composition:

Weight training reduces fat and builds muscle for a healthier body. Your appearance, fitness, and health can improve.

Increased Strength and Endurance:

Weight training improves strength and endurance, improving daily tasks and other exercises.

Improved Physical Function:

Weight training improves daily chores like carrying groceries and climbing stairs.

Boosted Metabolism:

As was already said, lifting weights can speed up your metabolism, which means you burn more calories all day.

Better Balance and Stability:

Regular weight training can help you stay stable and improve your balance, lowering your risk of falling and getting hurt.

Enhanced Mood and Mental Health:

Lifting weights can also benefit your mental health, just like exercise. It can help people with anxiety and depression feel better and lift their spirits overall.

Greater Flexibility:

As opposed to what most people think, lifting weights can make you more flexible if you do it right.

Improved Posture:

When you lift weights, your core gets stronger. This can help your balance and lower your risk of back pain and injuries.

Types of Weight Training Exercises


The quads, hamstrings, and glutes are all worked out in this lower body workout. You can use your body weight, dumbbells, or a hammer.


As a compound workout, deadlifts work your back, glutes, and legs, among other muscle groups. You can use a dumbbell or kettlebell to do them.

Bench Press:

This essential chest exercise works your shoulders and arms, too. It can be performed with a hammer or dumbbell.


Pull-ups work your upper body, especially your back and arms. A pull-up bar is used for these exercises.


Push-ups are a form of bodyweight exercise that works the chest and arms. They also help the core in other ways.

Lunges:what is best for weight loss cardio or weight training

For your lower body, lunges work your quads, hamstrings, and hips. You can do them with just your body weight or add weights to make them more challenging.

Overhead Press:

The shoulders are the primary muscle group that this workout works on. The arms and upper chest are also worked on. You can use a hammer or dumbbell to do it.

Bicep Curls:

This is a biceps-focused workout that you do by yourself. You can use dumbbells, a rack, or a cable machine to do them.

Tricep Dips:

Tricep dips work the triceps the most, but they also help the shoulders and chest. You can use parallel bars or a bench to do them.


Additionally, rows are a compound exercise that works the back, but they also help the arms and shoulders. You can use a barbell, dumbbell, or a cable machine to do them.

Importance of Building Muscle for Weight Loss

Getting stronger is an essential part of losing weight for several reasons:

Higher Metabolic Rate:

Fat tissue burns fewer calories than muscle tissue. In other words, having more muscle will raise your resting metabolic rate, which means you will burn more calories during the day.

Increased Energy Expenditure:

Both during and after exercise, muscle spasms make you use more energy. When you lift weights, you will burn more calories and continue to burn calories for hours afterwards.

Better Blood Sugar Control:

Regular strength training can help your body handle sugar better, lowering your risk of getting diabetes.

Enhanced Body Composition:

By lowering body fat and building muscle, weight training can help change how your body looks, making you look leaner and more toned.

Combining Cardio and Weight Trainingwhat is best for weight loss cardio or weight training

The main question still needs to be answered is whether exercise or weight training is better for losing weight. Yes, a little of both. Each type of exercise has its benefits that work well with the others.

Benefits of Combining Both Types of Exercises

Enhanced Fat Burning:

Combining exercise and weight training can help you burn fat more quickly. Cardio helps burn calories immediately, but lifting weights keeps burning calories even after the workout because it builds muscle.

Variety in Routine:

Using both exercises together keeps your workouts exciting and prevents you from getting bored or reaching a plateau.

Improved Overall Fitness:

Resistance training strengthens your muscles and bones, while cardio makes your heart healthier. They improve your health and exercise as a whole.

Increased Calorie Burn:

It is possible to burn the most calories simultaneously by exercise and weight training.

Balanced Muscle Development:

Using both types of workouts together leads to balanced muscle growth. Like, if you only do exercise, you might lose fat and muscle at the same time. Weight training, on the other hand, can help keep or gain muscle bulk.

Enhanced Endurance and Strength:

Combining cardio and weight training can help you get stronger and last longer (from the cardio).

Greater Flexibility and Balance:

While exercise, dance, and weight training all improve flexibility, lifting weights improves balance and stability.

Reduced Risk of Injury:

You can get a well-rounded fitness practice by doing both types of exercises. This can help avoid injuries by ensuring all body parts are strong and flexible.

Improved Mental Health:

Cardio and weight training have both been shown to be good for mental health and can help people with depression and worry.

Achievement of Fitness Goals:

Combining cardio and weight training can help you reach your fitness goals more quickly, whether to lose weight, build muscle, get stronger, or improve your stamina.

Maximizing Results: How Cardio and Weight Training Complement Each Other

Dynamic Workouts:

When you do both cardio and weight training, you can make your workouts more exciting and push your body in new ways. This changing stimulation can help you get past weight loss plateaus and perform better generally.

Continual Calorie Burn:

Cardio workouts burn calories while you work out, and lifting weights builds muscle, which raises your metabolic rate even when you’re not working out. This means you’ll still burn calories even when you’re not working out.

Comprehensive Fitness:

Cardio improves your heart health and stamina, and lifting weights improves your strength and bone density. All these exercises work together to make a complete fitness plan that helps you lose weight and improve your general health.

Muscle Preservation:

It is possible to lose muscle bulk when doing a lot of cardio. On the other hand, adding weight training to exercise can stop this, making weight loss even by keeping or building muscle mass.

Injury Prevention:

When you lift weights, your muscles and joints get more robust, which can help you avoid getting hurt. In particular, this can help with high-impact cardio workouts like running or jumping.

Improved Athletic Performance:

Exercise and weight training can help you do better if you’re an athlete. Cardio can help you last longer, and lifting weights can make you stronger.

Flexible and Balanced Workout Routine:

Adding cardio and weight training to your routine will make it easy to change it based on your goals, whether to lose weight, build endurance, get stronger, or add muscle.

Efficient Workouts:

When you do short, intense cardio exercises and weight training, you can get a better workout that is easier to fit into your busy schedule. This method may also help you lose fat faster than long sessions of moderately intense exercise.

Enhanced Mental Health:

Cutting down on stress, worry, and depression has been linked to regular cardio and weight training. Changing your workout routine keeps your mind active and keeps you from getting bored.

Body Transformation:

Combining cardio to burn fat and weight training to build muscle is the best way to change the makeup of your body and get a lean, toned, and healthy body.

Factors to Consider

Even though it’s clear that each type of exercise is good for you, it’s essential to make a weight loss workout plan that fits your needs and tastes.

Individual Goals and Preferences

Some people prefer one exercise over another, and that’s fine. Personal delight and satisfaction influence fitness plan adherence. You can tailor your expectations and workout selection to align with your idea of what’s practical and pleasurable.

Time Constraints and Availability

Busy schedules make fitting in a 20-minute morning HIIT session easier than a long weightlifting session. To maintain training consistency, recognize and work within your timeframe.

Safety Considerations

Safety is crucial, although both types of exercise improve health and composition. Beginners and experts should use appropriate forms and techniques to avoid injuries. Consult a trainer or doctor for concerns or pre-existing conditions.


To sum up, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to what is best for weight loss, cardio or weight training. Each type of exercise has its benefits, but they can be used together to lose weight more quickly, improve general health, and improve athletes in general. The important thing is to create a workout plan that is well-balanced and fits your fitness level, goals, available time, and personal tastes. The key to losing weight is to be consistent and put safety first. Both exercise and weight training can help you reach your goals.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. Can I do cardio and weight training on the same day?

Yes, you can do cardio and weights in one day. The sequence depends on your fitness goals. Weight training comes first for muscular building. Do cardio initially to build endurance.

Q2. I am new to exercise. Should I start with cardio or weight training?

It’s best to start with a mix of the two. Light cardio should be your first step to building your stamina. Then, slowly add weight training to your routine to get stronger.

Q3. How many days a week should I do cardio and weight training?

The American Heart Association says people should do 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise weekly. Aim to work out with weights at least twice a week, making sure to work out all your major muscle parts.

Q4. Can I lose weight with just cardio?

Cardio creates a calorie deficit for weight reduction, while weight training preserves muscle mass and boosts metabolism for long-term weight management.

Q5. Are cardio and weight training safe for older adults?

Both types of exercise are safe for older persons if done correctly and at the right intensity. As with any workout program, consult a doctor first.

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